Some key problems in treatment of acute irritant gas poisoning 急性刺激性气体中毒治疗中应注意的几个问题
A iittle bit of gas poisoning should 那就再来点煤气
A iittle bit of gas poisoning should 那就再来点煤气
Ling s whole family die of gas poisoning just when they are getting ready to immgigrate to canada 凌浩西一家正准备移民加拿大,不幸全家中煤气毒死亡。
Ling s whole family die of gas poisoning just when they are getting ready to immgigrate to canada . for their spirit to immigrate to canada the lings have to find enough money to build a grave . they return to earth and do various odd jobs to make a " living " and have to reenact the death scene to ease the mind of daughter ling - ling s boyfriend 他们一家人几经辛苦才筹够造墓钱,造了墓,他们又变回鬼魂准备移居加国,为了免伤包的心,对他有所交代,凌家重演合家中毒死亡事,岂料警方怀疑包谋杀他们,为了洗脱包的嫌疑,凌家又回阳间暂时复活